I have been seriously tired. That is all, not sure why just have been. So here is to getting my energy back and motivated to keep up with the blog and many other things. Lots of things have been happening at the McNeil house, the weather here in Northern Virginia has been super warm this spring. There pretty much was no winter at all. Most of March it was in the upper 60's and even the 80's a few days.
So Happy Spring! I don't know about you but I am so ready for Spring and Summer and the beach and lake trips. Suntans, margaritas, cookouts, concerts and fun times. I was born to be in the sunshine, I hate winter seriously I do and was pleasantly surprised by the warm winter.
I can seriously drink a million margaritas all day long... you don't believe me just ask my husband. I don't drink often (because usually I forced to be the DD and chauffeur my drunk husband around town just kidding I love you O!) but when I do drink I can drink O under the table.

I also got my craft on and made this Spring wreath. I am straight up proud of myself!
Easter was wonderful, went to church and celebrated the tomb being empty and Christ had Risen. I love Easter it makes everything feel new and reminds me of life and new beginnings and fresh starts. I mean really how lucky are we to have had Christ die on the cross for us! The Easter Bunny swung by our house too. The had a wonderful lunch and dinner with the family and even got a quick visit in with one of my oldest and best friends and her little family too!
See that Easter basket...and all that candy. Yummy right! Well I wouldn't know because O ate it ALL! Well not the Peeps (yet!) but everything else. Sadly I didn't even get one bite of that chocolate bunny. (O did feel guilty and bought me a new chocolate bunny though so he halfway redeemed himself... and he saved me a lot of calories and time in the gym too!)
We did have a cookout a couple weekends ago and enjoyed the early warm weather. Thanks to my addiction to Pinterest I found this awesome cake recipe and I must say the cake is delicious, I will definitely be making this again. It would be perfect for a brunch or shower too! Enjoy and find me on Pinterest! Till next time which I promise will not be too far away! Strawberry Buttermilk Cake
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